• Benefits

    Monthly Nassau Association of School Technologists (NASTECH) Meetings
    District technology directors and their staff meet each month to exchange ideas, preview new products, meet with other experts in the field and keep up-to-date on the latest hardware and software releases, as well as new developments in the field of technology.

    Use the NASTECH Listserv to participate in on-line discussions and share information. Receive notifications of all NASTECH sponsored meetings and seminars as well as other events and resources related to educational technology.
    Professional Development
    We offer a variety of professional development options for technology directors and their staffs, from monthly meetings to district site visits, vendor-sponsored Lunch & Learns and seminars. Members may purchase technology certification courses through New Horizons and at discounted fees.

    Benefit Packages
    Member districts have the opportunity to choose from a list of specially selected educational software and hardware packages. The purpose of these packages is for districts to pilot and assess new technologies before making a large scale investment. They are the property of the member district and not of any individual NASTECH representative.

    Cooperative Bids
    Districts can lower their costs by participating in the Computer Hardware/Software/Networking and Supplies Consolidated Bid developed by the Nassau BOCES Cooperative Bidding & Purchasing Service. This bid costs $1200 if purchased separately.