Nassau BOCES Education Partner Awards Program

  • Questions & Answers

    Q. What is the Education Partner Awards program?

    A. The Nassau BOCES Education Partner Awards program recognizes individuals and organizations that have gone above and beyond to make a measurable impact on public education in Nassau County.

    Q. Who can be nominated for an award?

    A. The awards program is open to everyone who is involved with, or is a supporter of, preschool to 12th grade or adult education in Nassau County. Nominees for the Nassau BOCES Education Partner Awards program can be from every walk of life. Previous nominees have included moms and dads, educators, coaches, business men and women, actors, attorneys, reporters, volunteers, legislators, college professors and retirees.

    Q. Are there different award categories?

    A. Yes. In addition to the Education Partner award category, which is open to individuals from all walks or life, you can also enter nominations in five specific award categories. These categories, listed below, allow for a greater number and variety of honorees.

    • Education Partner (open to all)
    • Nassau BOCES employees
    • Organizations
    • School Board Members
    • Students
    • Teachers

    Q. Can anyone submit a nomination?

    A. Yes and it’s easier than ever to make a nomination. Our goal is to increase the number of nominations we get each year. Help us show appreciation for outstanding candidates for the award by nominating an individual or an organization today.

    Q. What do I have to do to nominate someone?

    A. Nominations can be made using our online electronic form on our website or by downloading a form. Here’s what you’ll need to make a nomination: your nominee’s contact information, your contact information and a brief essay telling us why you are nominating this person or organization and how they personify the spirit of educational partnership, (a minimum of 250 words) and one example of how the person or organization has made a difference for public education and the measurable impact they have had on public education in Nassau County (a minimum of 100 words). For an Organization nomination, you will need to include contact information for the head of that organization. Nominations that do not reach the minimum number of words will not be judged.

    Q. Can I save my nomination and come back to it at a later date?

    A. Yes. If you’d like to save your form to come back to and complete at a later time, we recommend downloading a nomination form. Save it to your computer and submit it when you are ready by following the instructions on the form.

    Q. Can I nominate more than one person?

    A. Absolutely!

    Q. Is there a deadline for nominations?

    A. Yes. Nominations received by Monday, November 13, 2023, will be considered for the 2024 award. Those received after that will be considered for the 2025 award.

    Q. Who’s judging the nominations?

    A. Judges for the Nassau BOCES Education Partner Awards program comprise a committee of distinguished educators and community leaders.

    Q. What constitutes a winning nomination?

    A. Judges score nominations solely on the information provided on the nomination form — so you should present evidence of the person’s influence when completing the nomination form. Think reach, think impact and examples that show the nominee goes above and beyond their normal scope of responsibilities to make a measurable impact on public education. Provide strong information (numbers, percentages, dollars or other statistics) about the nominee’s activities and successes. When writing the essay, feel free to use anecdotes, examples and other details that will make the nominee stand out from all the others.

    Nominations will be judged on the following criteria:
    • Strong examples of nominee’s impact and reach. (Examples: programs created, number of students impacted)
    • Actions go above and beyond the scope of their job responsibilities. (Organization entries must include activities that support public education and/or students)
    • Exemplifies the spirit of educational partnerships.
    • Serves as a role model for colleagues, peers and/or community.

    Q. When will the winners be announced?

    A. Winners will be announced in January 2024.